2006年12月15日 星期五

15 Dec 2006 - Korea(Yan Chuen)

Now is 21: 43 in Korea - "Yan Chuen" (1 hr ahead HK), just very "mo liu" in hotel. And luckily i find a computer can read chinese, but can't type in chinese.
I tried "Sand Skiing" & "Grass Skiing" before and this morning i played (Snow) Skiing in Phenix Ski in Korea. And i hurt my "pat pat" cause a "A Chu Ma" (Korean language means married woman) hit me from my back. Shit!
I miss "Ching Ching" very much, now she has been taking care by the HKRS. Donno what she is doing now, eating grass or drinking water or standing on top of the box and waiting me back. What a pity! Will she recognise me or not?

1 則留言:

  1. 我估佢呀, 掛你掛到心肝脾肺腎都就黎 nut 晒喇, 咪講到佢咁忘情好嘛....
