2009年3月7日 星期六


最近打開"我的最愛"找到一個關於星座運程的網頁, 每個月都會好詳細講解家庭, 事業同愛情的運程, 都幾準架!


工作方面: WA! 佢點知我想轉環境架! 我真係想轉行, 想做自己有興趣又開心的, 因為而家呢間死人會計師樓好賤 (係要用賤先形容到)

You may be considering a move or planning an upgrade to your present surroundings. Or you may simply want to streamline your surroundings by eliminating clutter and by reorganizing your space. If you need to move to a new address and have been unable to find the right space, the first two weeks of March are when you'd most likely find one that you love. Keep looking!

愛情方面: 係呀! 我有野想同佢講呀, 但係佢又忙無機會比我講, 真係今個月可以解決問題? 我想試下

If you are together but not fully committed, you may have a change of heart about your partner or choose to slow down a new relationship that has moved forward a bit too quickly. Or, if you have been together a long time, you may discuss an old wound or problem that has troubled you or your partner for quite a while and has prevented deeper love from flourishing. If there is, use this time now to find closure.

source from: http://www.astrologyzone.com/forecasts/monthly/scorpio_full.php

